Teacher: Joan Lanuzga
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The Bioscience program prepares individuals to apply scientific principles and technical skills in support of biologists and biotechnologists in research, industrial and government settings. The Bioscience program includes instruction in fermentation technology, cell culturing, protein purification, biologic synthesis, assaying and testing, quality control, industrial microbiology, bioprocessing, chromatography and bio separation, genetic technology, laboratory and hazardous materials safety, computer applications, and test equipment operation and maintenance.
The Bioscience instructional program prepares students for entry-level employment, further training, and/or post-secondary education for these and other occupations: Laboratory Technician, Research Technician, Biological Science Technician, and Research/Lab Aide.
INDUSTRY CREDENTIALS: The following credentials have been approved for the A-F CCR and are CTED eligible for the Bioscience instructional program:
- Biotechnician Assistant Credential (BACE)
- OSHA 10 Healthcare
- CTSO: Health Occupations Students of America, HOSA
CTSO: HOSA–Future Health Professionals (HOSA) is a student-led Career and Technical Student Organization that provides a unique program of leadership development, motivation, and recognition for middle school, secondary, postsecondary, and collegiate students interested in a career in healthcare. AzHOSA has over 11,000 members. For information, go to www.azhosa.org.

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