Helpful Information

We all need a little help sometimes. Visit the pages below to find fun and engaging Internet resources to help your child reinforce a concept taught at school, find out what's around town, or find the answers to your questions.
We’ve collected some of the best online web resources for students, parents, and teachers to enhance learning and increase awareness. We hope you’ll come here when you need information, need some homework help, or just want a safe place to find fun activities. Click any of the areas below to enjoy our collection of online resources.
While San Carlos United School District actively monitors the content of this website, we do not claim any responsibility for content outside this website, otherwise known as "offsite" content. We make every effort to insure that offsite content is appropriate and in good taste, however, we have no control over the constantly changing Internet landscape. If you see something questionable (links to inappropriate websites, foul language, etc.), please email our webmaster, and we will remove that material or link immediately. Also, if you have sites you'd like to suggest that we add, please send us those links for evaluation.
- Cool Tools For Schools - presentation tools, research tools, video and slideshow tools, and much more
- Glogster - make your own posters
- Pic·Lits - a creative writing website that matches beautiful images with inspiring words
- Visuwords - a visual dictionary for you to diagram words and their meanings and find related words and concepts
- Common Craft - short videos to help you explain complex ideas
- Big Huge Labs - be creative with your digital photos
- Google Docs - upload files and access them from anywhere
- Prezi - online collection of learning materials
- Kevin Honeycutt - online directory of teacher-oriented sites
- Discovery Educator Network AZ - teacher resources from Discovery
In Gila County, you won’t be disappointed by the majestic desert scenery and the beautiful sunsets. If you’re looking for something to do, San Carlos has several nearby landmarks and places to visit. You’ll find places for hiking, fishing, camping, and hunting.
Take a Look
For your convenience, we’ve provided answers to some of the most commonly asked questions. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to call us.
How do I register my child for school?
You will need to provide proof of residency, a birth certificate, immunization records, and transcripts (if your child is transferring from another school). For detailed instructions, visit our Registration page.
What is the age requirement for entering kindergarten?
Your child must be five years old by September 1 in order to attend kindergarten for the school year.
How do I contact the district office?
You may call us at (928) 475.2315 or visit our office on San Carlos Avenue. See our Contact page for more details.
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