100 San Carlos Ave., San Carlos, AZ 85550

(928) 475-2315


San Carlos Unified School District

Rebranding Our School

Students from the Graphic Design CTE program rebrand and take their own process of self actualization by engaging in the steps of the creative process: brainstorming, research, creating, revising and presenting. These steps allow them to establish concepts of what they think represents the San Carlos Unified School District’s brand identity. What does it mean to be culturally responsive citizens and empower N’nee?

The class separated into five groups and each group worked on developing the beginning stages of the logo for two weeks. Some students utilized their own sources of elders for advice and guidance on the Apache word, “Shilgozhoo”.

After two rounds of presentations, SCUSD administration suggested that two of the groups collaborate and join ideas to create the final logo. The individuals selected were Lorena Cosen, Kaden Philips, Maria Garibay and Jeremiah Ailak.

This group then traveled to Las Vegas to present the completed project at the NACI conference from December 8-11. The logo was also presented to the San Carlos Tribal Council on January 7, 2020. Then on January 14, the school board of SCUSD approved the emblem to serve as the new district logo.

“What does shiłgozhoo mean to me?"

Following are statements from each of the students’ perspectives regarding the key concepts of the new school district logo:


“It’s the definition of beauty and happiness. A strong word that describes an Apache life. I can’t say what it means to me personally, because I am still young and learning the N’nee life. I still have a lot to learn. This weekend I was told beautiful and pretty are two different characters. Beauty is something you see inside, outside, and around a person. Pretty is just what’s on the outside but on the inside is awful. Shiłgozhoo is beautiful. A beautiful word that takes me back to my past, when I had my sunrise dance.I saw the beauty in the sun rising behind the mountains, my feathers and ribbons floating as I pounded my cane, hearing the bells as my spiritual leaders danced, and feeling the white paint run through my whole body. Shiłgozhoo—a beautiful word, inside, outside, and all around me.”
—Lorena Cosen, Grade 10


“Shiłgozhoo is a state of emotional happiness. It’s like the feeling you get when your mom says, “I love you,” or when your grandparents come to one of your basketball games. I am Shiłgozhoo when I see my Apache culture being taught and practiced.”
—Kaden Phillips, Grade 10


“Shiłgozhoo could mean a lot of things, but to me it means happiness in every single way. When my grandparents are around it brings me joy, because they are my reason for living. Amazing parents and siblings who bring me a lot of joy. Shiłgozhoo to me is family, because family is where I find my happiness. In nature and in our Apache culture, like the songs they sing and the beautiful animals they sing about. The horse song brings me happiness. To me, Shiłgozhoo means family, nature, and my beautiful culture.”
—Maria Garibay, Grade 10



Spring Break - NO SCHOOL

Start: Mar 17, 2025 8:00 AM End: Mar 21, 2025 3:00 PM

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