Office of Academic Excellence
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
SCUSD is shifting services to a Response to Intervention (RTI) model for all students:
- to better accommodate in the individual needs of all students,
- to be in compliance with state and federal guidelines, and
- to align with recommended best practice.
RTI is a methodology that encompasses:
- Curriculum-based assessments of academic progress
- Quality/ Researched-based interventions matched to student needs
- Frequent progress monitoring data collection
- Frequent review of progress monitoring data to inform educational decisions
RTI follows the following core assumptions:
- that the educational system can effectively teach all children
- that early intervention is critical to preventing loss of educational services
- that the implementation of a multi-tiered service delivery model is necessary
- that a problem solving model should be used to make decisions between tiers
- that research based interventions should be implemented to the extent possible
- that progress monitoring must be implemented to inform instruction
- that data should drive decision making.
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