JOM/Title VI Indian Education Programs
The goal of the Title VI Indian Education and Johnson O'Malley (JOM) is to address the special and cultural educational needs of American Indian students. The U.S. Office of Indian Education, created in 1972, currently administers the Indian Education Program of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
San Carlos’ Indian Education Program enthusiastically supports closing the achievement gap for American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian students. Native American Indians have always had a strong belief in education. Traditional "Knowledge and skills needed to survive in the natural world were transferred from one generation to the next." An important facet of this educational system, which reflected the world view of hundreds of Indian nations, was that everything was integrated: nothing was segregated. There was no division between the individual and the community.
These entitlement grants to SCUSD#20 schools provide services that coordinate with other programs and supplement the regular academic program with culturally specific resources.
Indian Education Program offers:
- Community Liaison Service
- Educational Intervention
- Parent Involvement Support
- Parent and Student Advocacy
- Cultural Support
- Resource development for schools resource referrals
Purpose of American Indian Educational Services
- To assist American Indian students in meeting the challenging academic standards
- To support the district mission and assist in closing the achievement gap
- To supplement and enrich the regular academic program with culturally specific learning resources for American Indian students
- To allow parents, community and students a meaningful role in programs planning
Why do American Indian Children Have A Special Program?
- American Indians have a unique political relationship with the federal government that is different from other minority groups.
- American Indians are sovereign nations, Indian children are "dual citizens".
- Government-to-government agreements are in place that designate the US Federal government as trustees over education
Student Profile in SCUSD#20
- American Indians comprise approximately 99.4% of the student population attending San Carlos Schools
- Many children are of mixed racial heritage
JOM Assessment Form
Attention families, please complete the JOM assessment form so we can address the needs for JOM funds for the 2020–2021 school year. For more information, please contact Chris Carlson at (928) 475-2315 Ext. 1116.
Title VI - Program of Service
Funds Provide:
- Intervention and Enrichment for Intercession Activities
- Parent liaisons at each school site
- Program coordinator
- Reading teachers and assistants at the Elementary Schools
Enrollment Eligibility
- The child's parent or guardian identifies the child as being of American Indian, Alaska Native or of Native Hawaiian decent
- The child, parent or grandparent is identified as having a tribal affiliation
- The child may be of mixed racial heritage and no specific degree of Indian blood is needed
- Proof of tribal enrollment is not necessary
- The parent or guardian obtains, completes and signs a Title VI 506 student eligibility certificate form that is then filed with the SCUSD#20 Indian Education Office
Johnson O'Malley Program of Service
Funds provide:
- SCUSD Apache Language/History supplies
- Cultural demonstrations of Native dancers, storytellers, Native Arts, food preparation and various traditional practices.
- Program Coordinator
- Partial High School ACT, PSAT, PLAN and SAT test fees
- Funds to supplement student’s activities at each school site: field trips, assemblies and other cultural activities that supplement the regular academic program.
- Materials for parent workshops
- Indian Education Committee (IEC) training
- Stipends for IEC members to attend meetings
Enrollment Eligibility
- The child must have a Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB) on file at SCUSD#20
Title VI - American Indian Parent Advisory Committee Members: (AIPAC)
Qualifications to be a member:
- Be a parent, legal guardian, grandparent and including persons acting in loco-parentis of eligible students enrolled in the San Carlos Unified School District
- Members are to participate fully in the planning, development, implementation, monitoring, budgeting, and evaluation of the program
- Disseminate information to parent/guardians in the community you are representing
- Organize and implement district-wide cultural enrichment activities and events
- Act as a forum in which to discuss community issues, needs and recommendations related to the district educational programs
- Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment to determine the culturally-related academic needs and the general educational needs of Native Americans in our school district
JOM Needs Survey Form
Click this LINK
Scan the QR Code below

Program Coordinator
Christine Carlson
(928) 475.2315 ext. 1116
Jom Meeting Notice
The next JOM is scheduled for August 2, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. Please see the August 2, 2022 JOM Meeting flyer.
What being a JOM IEC Member Means:
Meeting Agendas
Meeting Minutes
Parent Engagement Plan
Committee Officers SY 2019–2020
JOM Indian Education Committee
- Chairperson - Henrietta Talkalai
- Vice Chairperson - Melanie Elgo
- Secretary - Becca Rowe
Title VI Parent Advisor Committee
- President - Melanie Elgo
- Vice President - Natalie Anderson
- Secretary - Becca Rowe

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